Hi, my name is Deanna and I'm a Peanut Butter-oholic. I confess that I eat it straight from the jar by the spoonful. I'll even admit that, when I was in junior high, I would come home from school and stick a wooden spoon in the jar of peanut butter and then stick it in whatever sugary cereal we had (Captain Crunch was a favorite), and just go to town. Now I prefer the more sophisticated, dip the spoon in the peanut butter and then in the chocolate chips. When I was deciding on what recipe to pick for my week, this one was SCREAMING out to me. I just knew this pie was going to be amazing as soon as I had a little taste of the peanut butter filling (prior to adding in the whipped cream). Oh, so dense and scrumptious!
I'd like to thank Danielle for her advice on the bottom chocolate layer. I ended up just making the hot fudge topping and spreading some of that on the crust instead. It was the perfect consistency. I chose to do mine in a spring form pan because I always have difficulty getting these cookie-type crusts out of a pie dish without making a total mess. I threw a bunch of crushed Reese's Peanut Butter Cups on top before freezing and thought this added a little extra texture and flavor. This pie is not hard to make, but look forward to a lot of dirty dishes. I would recommend this to anyone and will definitely bake it again. The result is very pretty and professional looking, like something you would get at a fancy restaurant. Your friends will be impressed.
That looks delicious! Wow. I need to make this again. Soon.
Deanna, your pie looks amazing! Way to go!
I like the spring form pan idea.
Cami, I'm surprised you're thinking of making it again so soon. We're still eating ours! :)
yes, springform pan is GREAT idea!! And I wish I had thought of the PB cup topping myself. :)
Thanks for the comments, all. Danielle, I agree that the pie was SUPER rich. I took a huge slice out to take a photo and ended up barely eating half of it!
Yeah, when we had the missionaries over for dinner I served this and sent them home with some. Ours still lasted about 5 days though. I'll probably make it again when my mom comes next month. She would love it.
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