I think I ought to start with an apology to Deanna. I loved the idea of trying chocolate pie but after drinking soy milk in a smoothie every morning for three years, I developed a soy allergy and can no longer eat raw soy products. *sigh* But I've never made chocolate pie and really wanted to try it, so I made the one from
Baked that was also mentioned in her post.
I don't know what it is with me, but I simply cannot make a good crumb crust! Graham crackers, ginger snaps, and now wafers--they've all come out too crumbly and stick to the pan instead of the filling (as you can see in the picture). Do I need to butter the pie plate first? With this pie, I was also unsuccessful twice in finding chocolate wafers (weird!) and so used vanilla. Not bad, but the point of chocolate pie is to be very
chocolatey, so I can't help but think that chocolate wafers would be better.
The filling worked up beautifully, however. I used 4 oz. 60% cocoa chocolate and 3 oz. semi-sweet, and the whole thing came together very nicely. I used cocoa powder (2 Tbsp.) instead of the
Ovaltine. I am wary of too much whipped cream on my desserts, so I only whipped 1 c. for topping and thought that was quite enough.
I liked the intensity of the chocolate and texture of the pie very much, except that it seemed to be a little too salty, so I think next time I make it I'll cut down on the salt a bit. All around, I'd say this pie was definitely a success. (My tasters also agreed!)
So thanks to Deanna for the inspiration, even if I couldn't make the exact pie she chose. :)