I think I ought to start with an apology to Deanna. I loved the idea of trying chocolate pie but after drinking soy milk in a smoothie every morning for three years, I developed a soy allergy and can no longer eat raw soy products. *sigh* But I've never made chocolate pie and really wanted to try it, so I made the one from Baked that was also mentioned in her post.
I don't know what it is with me, but I simply cannot make a good crumb crust! Graham crackers, ginger snaps, and now wafers--they've all come out too crumbly and stick to the pan instead of the filling (as you can see in the picture). Do I need to butter the pie plate first? With this pie, I was also unsuccessful twice in finding chocolate wafers (weird!) and so used vanilla. Not bad, but the point of chocolate pie is to be very chocolatey, so I can't help but think that chocolate wafers would be better.
The filling worked up beautifully, however. I used 4 oz. 60% cocoa chocolate and 3 oz. semi-sweet, and the whole thing came together very nicely. I used cocoa powder (2 Tbsp.) instead of the Ovaltine. I am wary of too much whipped cream on my desserts, so I only whipped 1 c. for topping and thought that was quite enough.
I liked the intensity of the chocolate and texture of the pie very much, except that it seemed to be a little too salty, so I think next time I make it I'll cut down on the salt a bit. All around, I'd say this pie was definitely a success. (My tasters also agreed!)
So thanks to Deanna for the inspiration, even if I couldn't make the exact pie she chose. :)
I don't remember if I've made that pie or not, but it looks so good!!
Also, when Baked mentions using chocolate wafer cookies, I'm pretty sure they are referring to something like Oreos. In one recipe they state something like "Nabisco makes a ubiquitous cookie (oreos) but we prefer the Newman's Own variety" (very similar to oreos). This might make making a chocolate crust easier. :)
Ooohh, I loved the Baked chocolate pie even better than Alton's but it was a lot more work! Hats off to you for picking the recipe that was WAY more complex :) It took me a while but I finally found my chocolate wafers in the cookie isle of our big supermarket. They are on the very top shelf with the more fancy cookies. The crumbs have the taste and texture of oreos but the whole cookies are very thin circular cookies. I'll post a pic next time i buy them but I'm sure that Oreos would work just fine!
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