She's smart.
They were super-good. I ate the whole burger.
I rarely finish a whole burger.

My husband who is not generous with food compliments said, "These are so much better than a restaurant." and "That was a really good meal." Please understand that means these burgers are serious goodness.
I followed many of the suggestions of others. And some of my own.
#1 Used pretzel hamburger buns. (A must if you can)
#2 Added 1/4 t. ground mustard to meat mix.
#3 Used Monterey Jack cheese slices.
#4 Used powdered thyme. About 1/2 t.
We put BBQ sauce, mayo, and mustard on our buns. And used lettuce, tomato, and onions.
A side of Kettle chips and watermelon made for a perfect meal.
Thanks a year ago Hyeyoung!
yours look SO good! I'll have to find a new place to get pretzel buns. Those really are so yummy.
I make these quite often, we like them a lot. :) plus, they're super easy.
Ooh, we just had these last week, too. My kids devour them. It makes me feel good that they are eating zucchini and they don't care. Glad you liked them!
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