This week's recipe is the Pumpkin Whoopie Pies. Is anyone sick of pumpkin yet? Hope not!
- Really yummy! Can't help but love these.
- I didn't have an ice cream size dropper, but I don't think that mattered.
- Needed to be baked for more like 12-15 minutes in my oven, but it depends on the size of the cookie.
- I did large, medium and small sizes and liked how they turned out, but I'm looking at the large size thinking, "who's gonna eat these? there's 2 cookies and they're huge!" If you do different sizes, remember to group them together on their own pans since the small ones cook faster.
- "Yields 12 whoopie pies" - please note that this means 12 HUGE ones ... maybe - next time I'll probably half the recipe and make them really small and tiny.
- For the larger ones, I ended up just putting frosting on the top, rather than make them into a sandwich.
Do you have any pet peeves? This one is weird, but I can't stand the sound of other people eating cold cereal - the clinking of the spoon and the slurping of the milk sounds just gross to me. I of course don't notice my own cold cereal noises. :)
Any other hobbies besides being an amazing cook? I like to run and am half way to my goal of 10 half marathons. I like any types of crafts and have most recently been designing birth announcements and holiday greeting cards in photoshop elements.
What is your favorite summer activity? Hot-air balloons on the 4th and fireworks
Are you a morning or a night person? I fall asleep during movies if we start them too late, so probably a morning person although I hate getting ready every day.
Are you a go-go-go sight-seeing kind of vacationer or lie-on-the-beach-all-day kind of vacationer? I'm go-go-go and have a hard time relaxing.
What is your favorite store? Costco
What is your favorite beverage? Fruit smoothies (my favorite includes pineapple juce, pineapple sherbert, frozen strawberries, bananas, plain yogurt, ice)
If you had to go back to school, what would your major be? I don't regret studying finance, I just would have taken more fun classes - like golf and photography.